Rae Sremmurd is a rap duo comprised of two brothers – Aaquil Brown, also known as Slim Jimmy, born on 29 December 1993, and Khalif Brown, also known as Swae Lee, born on 7 June 1995, both in Whittier, California USA. The band’s name is derived from their record label, Ear Drummers, which is spelt backwards. Rae Sremmurd has been active in the entertainment industry since 2013.

Their net worth is estimated to be around $3 million, with an annual salary of $360,000 and an additional $100,000 per year from sponsorships and various programs.

Initially, the brothers formed a duo called Dem Outta St8 Boyz and achieved local success. In 2014, they signed with the record label Ear Drummers Entertainment and changed their band name to Rae Sremmurd. Their singles “No Flex Zone” and “No Type” both peaked in the top positions of the Billboard Rap Top 100, certified platinum. These singles were included in their debut album “SremmLife” (2015), which also achieved success in various music charts worldwide, contributing to their net worth.

The duo’s rise to fame led to nominations for various awards such as the Billboard Music Awards and three BET Awards, of which they won the BET Award for Best Group in 2015. They also made guest appearances with other artists, further boosting their popularity and net worth.

Rae Sremmurd’s successful career has led to little time for personal lives, but being in their early 20s, they are expected to have many active years ahead of them.
